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Reputable Buyer’s Representative

It is imperative that when you are working with a real estate agent that they have an active license and are representing clients full-time with the highest level of service and code of ethics by having the REALTOR® designation, the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) standard. NAR is a real estate trade organization that holds its member to high ethical standards and trains them in the most effective professional practices.

In the United States, there are more than 2 million licensed real estate agents, but only half of them are REALTORS® (source: National Association of REALTORS®).

Our real estate agents are members in good standing of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), in addition to membership in state and local real estate associations.


Here are some terms to help you understand Reputable Buyer’s Representatives:

ABR® (Accredited Buyer’s Representative)

The ABR® designation is designed for real estate buyer agents who focus on working directly with buyer-clients and is the benchmark of excellence in buyer representation. This coveted designation is awarded to real estate professionals by the Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Council (REBAC), which is an affiliate of the National Association of REALTORS®. REALTORS® with this added designation have completed additional coursework to set them apart and gain additional knowledge on how to best represent buyers in the purchase of real estate in addition to knowing the latest market trends and buyer resources available to improve the home buying experience.


CIPS® (Certified International Property Specialist)

The Certified International Property Specialist Network (CIPS Network) is comprised of 2,000 real estate professionals representing 50 countries, and is the specialty member ship group for global business practitioners of the National Association of REALTORS®. The CIPS® designation prepares REALTORS® to service the growing international market in their local community by focusing on culture, exchange rates, investment trends, and legal issues.


CRS (Certified Residential Specialist®)

The Certified Residential Specialist® (CRS) is the professional designation offered by the Council of Residential Specialists. It is the highest designation awarded to sales associates in the residential sales field (only 3 percent of all REALTORS® hold the CRS designation). The CRS designation recognizes professional accomplishments in both experience and education.



The e-PRO® certification program was developed through a partnership of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) and the Social Media Marketing Institute (SMMI). REALTORS® who hold this
designation are trained how to effectively utilize the latest technology, including social media, to best service today’s hyper-connected consumers. These designees incorporate rich media, social networking, and e-office strategies in their business for greater productivity, to promote the latest technology best practices, and to provide exceptional client service.


GRI (Graduate, REALTOR® Institute)

The GRI is a nationally recognized designation of the National Association of REALTORS®. The designation indicates to buyers, sellers and other real estate industry professionals that designees have made the commitment to provide a high level of professional service to their clients by securing a strong educational foundation.

    GRIs are:


  • Nationally recognized as top performers in the real estate industry
  • Professionally trained
  • Knowledgeable
  • Dedicated to providing quality service



QSC (Quality Service Certification®)

The Quality Service Certification® professional status and recognition is a standard of service and accountability. It was created to offer home buyers and sellers the assurance of greater value by providing consistent, reliable, accountable and responsive service in every real estate transaction. This is the service provided by a Qualify Service Certified® real estate professional.
